04.–08.10.2025 #anugahorizon

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Anuga Horizon events

Embark on a journey into the future of the food industry at the Anuga HORIZON! With a clear focus on innovative technologies, trends, and solutions, HORIZON is dedicated to shaping and revolutionizing food production, processing, distribution, and consumption.

Summit Events

Anuga HORIZON Conference

The Anuga HORIZON Conference provides the strategic framework for intensive communication. Experts, thought leaders and decision-makers gather here to share their knowledge and experiences.

To the event

EIT FOOD Conference

Don’t miss the EIT Food Conference in partnership with Anuga HORIZON in the morning of the 10th of October 2023:: "Innovation: from niche to success with start-ups". Join us and help shape the future of food! No registration necessary. Entrance free of charge.

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newFOODeconomy Award

The focus is on companies, start-ups and projects based in the EU. The selection criteria are the factors "innovation" as well as a demonstrable contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Anuga Trend Zone powered by Anuga HORIZON

Anuga Trend Zone

This year you will find the Anuga Trend Zone again on the Nordboulevard in front of Hall 8.

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Anuga taste Innovation Show powered by Anuga HORIZON

Anuga taste Innovation Show

The Anuga taste Innovation Show is a trend barometer and a source of inspiration for the global food business. On the north boulevard of Anuga.
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